Wednesday, January 2, 2008


DR CHUA admits to being the man in sex DVD !!!!-STAR 2/1/2008 DR Chua said : "Who did it and why is obvious - but it is not important now.What is most important is that my family,wife and my children have personally accepted my apology."

"The wife of health minister said she and the family would stand by him and go through the current difficult time together."

"I leave it to party members, leaders and the Malaysian public to be the judge. It's not for me to speculate"

"Of course, as a responsible citizen I will assist in the police investigation. It is a crime to intrude into people's privacy or into a person's room."


CT Chow said...

How many girl friend or mistress he needs at his age? He sure keep a real tight lid on it if not for the video.
He should know that eating too much "chinese" delicacies like rhino horn etc is bad for a man of his age.

Don Yoo said...

Ha ha ha

CT Chow said...

Soi Lek mean "tiny" in Cantonese,no wonder can not see much in his sex tape even though he is naked.

Don Yoo said...

"Soi Lek" translate into Hokkien means "younger brother".I think he is a Hokkien.Have you seen the tape? Can send huh?

CT Chow said...

I saw a small slice at the beginning of it at Utube in someone blog, it is kind of blur image, i will try to see whether i can locate that blog again, then will send the link over.

This guy is from HSM too, my friend.
But when u hear his speech in national AID day,his action n word is contradicting each other especially to our youngster.Many public officials in Malaysia had sink so low now.

CT Chow said...

Link to a "nasty" minister of health in Malaysia.Happy viewing....hahaha...

Anonymous said...

wonder why should people be so harsh to a 60 yo man he is just having a little fun just like many younger man . i remember reading from somewhere that say the highest state of a married life is where husband and wife are staying seperated in different rooms under the same roof only when both agree to have intimacy would they come together otherwise they stay that way and maintain individual freedom and space

Don Yoo said...

Hi you Mr/MDM/Ms anonymous,
I think you are Mat Salleh or you think like Mat Salleh.Goodlah...but here wor here can mer??

CT Chow said...

Hey! anonymous,it is not about Malaysians are harsh to a old or young man,it is about one of the highest office public official getting caught for adultery and flip flopping the people.Got that!!!!

Anonymous said...

here wor here can mer??

what is that mean? Don Yoo

Is it mean Malaysians are jealous of all the "fun" or girl friends he has?

Don Yoo said...

Ai Ya!
"Here wor here can mer?"
Ai yo like that also donno...
like this mean huh: Here in our own culture does not allow to practise like this one.You think your wife can allow you to sleep in another room by yourself? Some times she needs "PAu Pau" HOw? ( Dont ask me what is pau-pau le)
I think the Chinese is a very smart being; they are not like mat salleh; they hide everything inside their heart and their wont ulter a word but they still sleep on the same bed.No wonder the Chinese proverb sound like this :"Sama Katil Tapi lain Mimpi"got it? Mat Salleh always fight for their right...That's why they can ask for a seperate bed and room to sleep.
Try using the Hokkien "wor" & " mer".
Call me please if you still have doubt...use "pm" only.hehe