Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Calls for Abolition the law of prohibiting Oral Sex-NST 9/1/2008

Why want to set rules on this happily married couple??
Most fair- minded Malaysian would support this call.There are many reasons why this
anachronistic law should be repealed.
The enforcement of this law is difficult if not impossible and unnecessary. How does the law prevent consenting adults from having oral sex in the private of their own house?
Why should the law dictate what consenting adult do in private as long as they do not disturb other people or violate public decency?
Sex counsellors and psychiatrists dealing with sexual problem view oral sex as a normal and even desirable sexual activity among their patients.
We are now in the 21 st century.Laws are important but laws must be practical.If we have laws that become a laughing matter,then a relook at the law is necessary.
p/s :If you have a better pic then the above;kindly "pm" me.


Anonymous said...

Make sure you keep idiots MP out of parliament next time. As you know, islam hadhari does not base on "logic" but on "control"

CT Chow said...

I agree with you. when a person is doing in his or her house or property ,with whom , how and what they do,is really not government business, with the exception of some extreme cases where criminality involve.

As to oral sex, it is hardly a criminal offense but is make looking like one already.

Anonymous said...

"bodohland" with silly law,government does not like Malaysian to have fun and enjoy personal pleasure.

Anonymous said...

If law like that can become "law" in "bolehland',there must be many "bodoh" MP in the parliament, so Malaysian voters are to blame for the "bodoh" law.

Anonymous said...

these people are only good at dealing with minor or petty issues but not how to govern the country well but that is exactly what is needed to be a MP here.

CT Chow said...

Really, anonymous: in order to get elected, one has to be "bodoh" to meet the requirement as a candidate?ha ha ha how about another requirement - "anti-sex syndrome"?

Anonymous said...

Penal code 337 - any person who engage in oral or anus sex who is convicted will face up to 20 years maximum sentence.

Government has got nothing better for police to do than going after sexual act.. what a piece of garbage came out from bodohland parliament.