From RM 38.00++,you'll be able to let hundreds of little fish ( Garra Rufa Fish) eat their way to you,enable you to have smoother glowing skin in just 30 minutes.!!!!
A revolutionary experience in feet refreshment with hundred of "Doctor fish" nipping away gently at their weary soles!
"We like it because it is good for the body.for circulation very therapeutic,very calming" Said one Japanese customer.
NOTE: My point:- Luckily these words are from the customer.You need to be healthy to have a good blood circulation.Right? Doctor.
- For a lady-1st timer;it is not so clam after all.I suppose it is very "Kuci"haha.
The micro massage provided by the fish helps provide blood circulation and ease psoriasis and minor eczema. Mind you i have this so called minor eczema and had been prescribed Betnovate-n cream by a professor in UH in 1983 and now (since Nov 2007) i got a new cream-Elomet recommended by Dr Siva from Selangor Medical Centre Shah improvement finally. Do you think the tiny little fish can do the magic?Why import so bloody late to BolehLand?Oh my suffering....
It was reported that the conditions in BolehLand currently make it hard for them to be bred here!? Tell you, it is sound so bloody hard to breed and that will make the fish very precious and expensive you know?!( I keep fish sure i know lah) My friend Mr. Gary is breeding the Gold Arowana fish in his house compound! What so difficult?
Ask any fishery department or even UPM...They BOLEH one.Let me ask you one question,can the fish be bred under a foully water full of dirty hairs and SS-suspended particles ? Look at Turkey,these fishes are originated from mountain and natural streams.
One of the reason why our race horses breeding ground is situated in Tanjung Rambutan, Ipoh Perak? You can find resourceful of natural ground water that has plenty of minerals content which are vital for the horses well being.!
Ask any fish farmer in Ipoh;they will tell you that the fishes live healthier in a lake which has mineral contents and having underground water flowing continuously;so that the water in the lake/pond is not "died". Now, can you compare this to a spa pool.It is belong to the natural habitat of the fish? If someone has done a breeding programme on these fishes and it has failed.I think it would be wise to consider my point and make a cross check.
Ok coming back to the health part; I have been keeping fishes since young ( Please read My Profile-It is there before this SPA article came out in the paper) and i find that if the water in a tank with full of fishes is remain unchanged for two weeks and above; you could see that there are many types of parasites ( And germs of co use! but i can't see with my naked eye) moving around in the tank!Just imagine in a SPA pool; how often do they change the water and most of the time the Mat Salleh and Japanese are there soaking happily...! with all the so called cleaning up until smoothen up your dirty skin effect!!! Wau Lau!!! With those SS and SUP (Suspended Undissolved Particles) ye yakk! Actually it is better for a tiny or small wound to dry and heal up by itself and if the died skin( covering a healing portion of old wound) has been nibbed opened then it is not too good.Further more with those German's SS army around!!
Have you been to Langkawi's Pulau Dayang Punting and try your leg being nipped by the Ikan Keli there? Easily a few hundreds of them.What is your feeling huh? song? sedap? Ada blood circulation huh? They are actually very very hungry fishes in the lake there,nothing much to eat and no other choice except your smelly toes and legs and may be they mistakenly took my hairy leg as black worms haha....
If you ask someone familiar with this species of fish-Ikan Keli (Cat Fish)they are in fact a very shy in nature but why do they surface to nap at your toes and legs?
i prefer whole body treatment can they do it ??
they sure look like the "miranda" in the movie, the hungry little sea creatures .
How do they taste when use for making assam ikan bili with nasi lemah?
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