Thursday, January 3, 2008

SEX in the CD

NST WED,2/1/2008
Politicians involved in sex scandals often result in headline-gradding news, and for many, scandals mean downfall.
Singapore Opposition MP...2003


CT Chow said...

May be his master UMNO cannot tolerate sexual misconduct but corruption is fine,as it taint cabinet image, like he said,he serve as minister at the pleasure of Abdullah., not because he is interested in serving Malaysians.Very typical MCA lackey demeanor.

Anonymous said...

Malaysian is "ungraceful" lot never appreciate the free viewing of a sex tape.Where in the world can you find a "sex" performance of a minister of health or hell without paying a cent?

Anonymous said...

yea i agree totally,where esle can you find a health minister that provide demo on sex education some more is free not even in the west i think.

Anonymous said...

Big boss "Islam Hadhari" need you to have extra wife , not additional lover, Dr.Chua does not seem to understand that,how can you live in Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

Don Yoo,

Apakah ada DVD atau VCD yang boleh aku peroleh ke? Di Italy sini kami semua secara bebas boleh nonton kegiatan2 seksual tanpa harus sembunyi... mungkin sembunyi lebih asyik... kalau Don Yoo mahu, aku boleh kasi pertunjukan yang hebat... asal bayar aku fee -lah... cuma tdk ada kamera... Okey dokey?

Don Yoo said...

Saya ini malu orangnya,oleh kerana kemaluan saya ini terlalu besar jadi enggak punya berani nak tunjuk tunjuk.Lagi pun saya malu betul nak tanya tanya di pasar malam di Malaysia perihal jualan VCD ini hehe...Kemaluan saya sungguh besar tau!