Sunday, January 27, 2008

COMING lo !!!


Anonymous said...

so pak lah believe in feng shui now? He is a muslim , get real! how can he believes in this Chinese stuff!keep your advice to yourself , master of feng shui

Anonymous said...

may be this fenghsui master only give advice to chinese but the malay bomoh does not say anything about election ?? you know lah chinese kiasu mah everything also must know first if not guess first .all funghsui master has big mouth otherwise how to cari makan ???

Don Yoo said...

This Fung shui fellow is a smart alex too and get much cheap publicity on the current affair and situations,OK let me share with you:-
1)Anuar will only allow to participate in any election after May 2008.Why wait?He still has got some impact you know!Tak takut ke?
2)Everyone understood that this coming election has to be held soon and the school holiday is coming,at the same time the school teachers can be called for the electorial duty.
3)Price of everything has gone up now,the share has recently dropped low.They are afraid much of the things can't contain any longer now.It can't hold any longer.
Can you predict it?