Sunday, January 13, 2008

Defending Yourself From A Verbal Attack

Be sure to avoid arguing and threatening by carefully monitoring your own behavior.

- Wait a few seconds before responding.

- Speak slowly and softly.

- Take a time out if you're getting angry.

- Show that the complaint and feeling are important.

- Treat the person as a valued individual.

- Help them see options and choices.

- Use non-inflammatory words and body language.

- Watch your facial expressions and your tone of voice.

- Ask, "When did you start thinking that ...?"

- Change the subject slightly. Move to a related area. -


Anonymous said...

"Always carry a high caliber hand gun with you, i can assure you will never have to face from verbal attack."

"Prevention is better than treatment."

famous quote from GeoBush.

Anonymous said...

show them your fist if you are sure that yours is bigger but run for your life if you find out later you have make a mistake