With an impressive intellectual background, Raja Muda of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah always draw attention when he speaks on issues, particularly those affecting ordinary Malaysian.Here, in a frank interview with NST reporter,the Oxford and Harvard-trained prince gives his take on contemporary concerns...
"Corruption,if not contained, can become a cancer eating its way into our society.It is morally wrong.It undermines the rule of law and can retard economic growth.It disproportionately penalises the poor.The rich can afford to pay their way in a corrupt society,but ultimately it is the poor who suffer most."-Raja Nazrin
"I came from the generation that lived through the 1969 riots.That experience has made me acutely conscious that things can go very wrong very quickly if we are not careful."- Raja Nazrin
"Malaysia democracy to my mind is very much a work in progress.Obviously,it is not perfect, and along the way there will be setbacks and crises to overcome. But the long- term trajectory should be, and I believe will be, towards a society that is open, tolerant and just."- Raja Nazrin
Section of the question posted to Raja Azrin by the NST reporter as below :
Q : Who among Malaysians,dead or living,inspire you most?
A : People i come across almost every day.Law-abiding men and women who go about their jobs quietly and effectively without asking for or expecting recognition or rewards.
I meet such individuals when i come across social workers in welfare homes,nurses and ambulance driver in hospitals,teachers in schools and universities.
A great philosophy :-
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-
to chose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
- Victor Frankl
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