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The little girl who starred at the Olympic opening ceremony was miming and only put on stage because the real singer was not considered attractive enough....
The girl whose voice was actually heard by 91,000 capacity crowd at the Olympic stadium during the spectacular ceremony was in fact seven-year-old YANG Peiyi,who has a chubby face and uneven teeth.
Supposedly live pictures of fireworks depicting footprints moving centre Beijing's Tiananmen Square to the Olympic stadium in the north of the capital were actually partly computer-generated or pre-recorded for TV!! Fantastic U !!!
1 comment:
China did a "superb" job in their opening ceremony , isn't it? Donyoo.
In a land of totalitarian, many things and events can be deceiving superficially !!!! Btw, China is well known for imitating intellectual products and ideas, not surprising to read that in your post.
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