Sunday, April 20, 2008

Switching the fishes from the ground tank to the other tank

A shy discus fish

A pair of angle fish,laid eggs before but not enough spare tank to breed them.When they got disturbed,all eggs will be eaten up by themselves.

These Kelah fish and two other unknown breed were caught in Templer Park.You won't believe that they actually breed in my blue plastic ground tank.I sort of can recognised their eggs-all wrapped up in a leave after laying.Cos i accidentally destroyed one when i mistook it as dirt accumulation on a leave. Yesterday while cleaning the tank i found another batch of eggs wrapped up with the water plant's leaves.
Those smaller size Kelah fish you see from the pictures and the video are from the hatching...Surprised really!!!It really happened in just a simple tank like this! As a hobbyist, you would definitely feel great that your fishes are breeding...
The bottom part of the tank showing the water plant that i found a batch of newly laid eggs by my Kelah fish. As you can see from the pictures,I tried to set up a place as "conducive" as possible for the fishes to feel comfortable. No Wonder they LAID eggs!!

My Koi are kept in a small concrete tank.

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