Monday, April 21, 2008

The Red Cherry Shrimps

These two pictures above were loaded from the web and the pictures below was the one that i kept in my tank. I bought quite a numbers but now left a few in the tank;in fact those that i kept in my office did hatch well (once) but the number was decreasing now.Don't know due to what!
May be i should add some salt in the water.

Cherry Red Shrimp

Never exceed an inch. These shrimpy shrimps eat algae and French cut green beans. Of course they prefer flake food. Great for planted aquaria with tetra size fishes. Add salt to taste. We don’t get them very often because they come in packs of 300 out of Taiwan.

Cherry Red Shrimp Factoids


Sexual Differences: Females a bit larger

Temperature: Average tank temperature

Attitude: Too little to threat anything

Security: Prefers planted tanks

Needs surfaces to climb on – no bare tanks

Foods: Loves all foods – eats algae

Water: Prefers water with salt in it

Size: One inch

Biggest Threat:Copper, heavy metals, medications

Life span: 1.5 years

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