Sunday, April 19, 2009

A not so friendly design for a water spillway-unEco Friendly

A nice view of the On Site Retention Pond at Park-City
when there is an over flow;the water will flow/spill over to the lower part;In this case the spillway was filled up with rubble stones of various sizes.
Look at the dried area at certain part of the spillway,the fishes will be trapped in between the stones during dry spell and causes death to the fishes.
During dry season;Certain part of the spillway may still contain some water but that kind of shallow water is not meant for living fish and even guppies will be dead; as a result mosquito will be infested freely.
Some people may find it (filling up with stones) look aesthetic with the stone filling BUT it might cause the inverse effect if the ecopart is not being look into.In any design the practicality aspect must be the number one thing otherwise the user is going to suffer!

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