Love life ! Be grateful for it always and show your gratitude by not shying away from its challengers.Always try to live a little bit beyond your capacities and you will find your capacities are greater than you ever dream! I am absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with…
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Malaysians' Pride...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Iridology From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Iridology (also known as iridodiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents believe that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones corresponding to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health.
The majority of medical doctors reject all the claims of all branches of iridology and label them as pseudoscience or even quackery. Iridologists are rarely physicians. Iridology is only studied at private institutions, and it is not taught at medical schools.
Critics, including most practitioners of mainstream medicine, dismiss iridology as published studies have indicated a lack of success for its claims. Clinical data does not support any correlation between illness in the body and coinciding observable changes in the iris. In controlled experiments, practitioners of iridology have performed statistically no better than chance in determining the presence of a disease or condition solely through observation of the iris.
It has been pointed out that the premise of iridology is at odds with the fact that the iris does not undergo substantial changes in an individual's life. Iris texture is a phenotypical feature which develops during gestation and remains unchanged after birth. There is no evidence for changes in the iris pattern other than variations in pigmentation in the first year of life, eventual freckles and variations caused by glaucoma treatment. This stability of iris structures is at the foundation of iris recognition for identification purposes
My Experience with the iridology check up on 24/4/2009I went for the check up by a young female doctor,after the eye screening she told me a few points about my health as follows :
1) I got a cholesterol on my head which is about 6. something mmol/l .2) My big intestine has got fungus growth.
As a result i have "angin".3) I got sinus problem.4) My anus is becoming smaller...and i have constipation problem and the stool are becoming smaller and may have difficulty "Pang-Sai" I whispered to her that i got non of the above sickness except the first one which is cholesterol...but i forgot to ask her how she was able to read my level as 6. something!No body knows our health better then ourselves (with conditions)...why should we be worried about our health(who is she?) ;When you don't even being diagnosed or checked by a qualified doctor!Ai Yo Don't know what to say!!
Probe begins on lecturer forced to quit over 'sympathy marks'
Medical chits going for as low as RM10 each
At times i got to do hide & seek in order to avoid him following me too close...He always said "YES! SIR" but then the next minutes he will appear behind my back again!
At last i got no other better choice so i bought a nice camouflage sweater to wear to void being detected again by him...haha
General Yuefei 岳 飛 將 軍
Tender Terbuka
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wat Rong Khun -on the way to Chengrai-31/01/2009
The Khantok Dinner @ Chengmai - 29/01/2009
Chengmai Maeping River Cruise-30/01/2009
The Maeping river cruise (30/01/2009) This Thai gentleman is TeowChew lang. Can converse a bit of TeowChew.His "Scorpion tail" boat-his own creation.This gentleman has got skill and brain and he owns an orchard just besides the river. The popular glutenous rice and mango plus a thirst quenching laychee drink...on the house! The glutenous rice tasted so good that you feel like wanting more! The Snake and scorpion herb drink for the "needy persons" Handicraft made from leaves Other handicrafts made by him.He owns this handicraft centre and he is giving lessons to some young students there. Is this look like u?
Ini wajah baru saya semenjak 11/4/2009
When i first kept my mustache;i faced some "threatening" remark from my daughters...They did mention that they will shave it off in my sleep.Haha and i was indeed more amused by some colleagues -they were surprised to see a Chinese with mustache!? As if CHINESE has no mustache like them! haha..Anyway they even praised me having those "misai tebal" One thing they forgot ...some "Cina" are more hairy then them...may be beyond their imagination! haha again! May be in times to come when i turn bald.I would just like to shave it "Botak'.why worry? Is all "light & Easy" and maintenance free.