Saturday, November 29, 2008

Beside Belly Dancing ; What about THai's Kick Boxing in Kelantan!??

Fatwa on yoga: What about belly dancing?
SO the National Fatwa Council has ruled against yoga for Muslims ("Yoga ban" -- New Sunday Times, Nov 23). The reasons seem clear.
Perhaps we should also look into tai chi. It may have hidden religious elements, perhaps borrowed from the rites of Shaolin monks? What about aerobic dancing? Probably no religious element there, but there may be a touch of hedonism. Then there is belly dancing. If done vigorously, it can have aerobic benefits. The gyrations should also help loosen tense muscles and promote flexibility.
Belly dancing also has an Arabic flavour, and that may make it somewhat acceptable. According to one former member of parliament, even RTM inadvertently played belly-dancing music when announcing breaking-of-fast times a long time ago.
Furthermore, some belly dancers wear veils. That should find favour with those who subscribe to this apparel over the normal head-covering. The rest of the costume is rather skimpy, but one can always wear a tracksuit over it.
Belly dancing should be performed by women among women away from the prying eyes of men. Men should avoid doing belly dancing as that may be considered effeminate behaviour.In short, if done under certain conditions, would not belly dancing be a suitable alternative to yoga?
Muaythai match in Bangkok,Thailand. Praying before the match.
A Ritual Dance of Homage (Wai Khru Ram Muay) is a must in Muay Thai ( THai Kick Boxing) in this picture you can see that this Thai boxer is praying during the Wai Kru before match. In fact kick boxing is included as one form of exercise in the slimming health centre nowadays.

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