Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stranded crew treated to a feast

After being detained for 13 months in Malaysia; The 15 crewmen from MV Banga Biraj were finally served with 10 dishes of chicken,mutton. prawn, egg, veges, fruits and fruits drink...
Thanks to Lotus of Malaysia.
Poor fellow !!...Some people are so sibuk/busy body about the ill treated /misbehave cats and the dogs in town but no body can remember those poor soul ...


linpeh said...

you know what this is the best opportunity to gain publicity especially if you are in food business if i am the owner i would have asked all of them to raise their thumb and lick their lips when photos was taken

Anonymous said...

Malaysians are just group of kind hearted people to those who suffer, who can imagine the rest of the world look the other way at these poor souls while Malaysia is the only country that feed them in time of needs. Thump up for Lotus Malaysia!